Activities for Students


Speaking Support Unit
The Speaking Support Unit, which has been opened within The School of Foreign Languages, is a unit supporting English Language Education. It offers one hour a week of activities over and above regular course classes. All English prep students can attend. This activity is on Wednesdays at 15.30 in the classrooms in The School of Foreign Languages building. Different school instructors alternate in attending these activities. As well as our students and local staff, foreign Erasmus students and native speaker instructors also attend. Attendance for students and instructors is voluntary. There is no charge and no pre-registration. Just arrive.
The aim of the activities, whose subjects are announced and prepared by instructors beforehand, is to give students practice for using English outside of university; in particular  to upskill them in expressing their opinions themselves on a range of subjects in the target language. In these activities students try to express their ideas about the topics in pair and group speaking situations after reading and listening to advertisements, headlines, previews and films on the topic of the day. Instructors of our Foreign Language School provide support and guidance throughout.  
Reading&Writing Support Unit
The Reading&Writing Support Unit is an out-of-course unit supporting English Education given within The School of Foreign Languages. The basic aim of the unit, by following European Language Portfolio requirements and using appropriate materials, is to lift students up to A2-B1 level reading and writing skill levels. An effective learning environment has been created by utilizing modern technology, including  visual and audial materials, and learner centred teaching methods, the aims of this are to positively motivate students and improve their self confidence in using English. To this end all activities are conducted in the target language. English newspapers, stories, advertisement materials, bulletins, short-films, CV and letters are used as class materials, so that reading, writing, speaking and listening skills are all developed.
The support unit is staffed by the professional instructors found within our School of Foreign Language so the design of the activities and their use is therefore in the hands of responsible instructors. They will provide all materials and give instructions in their use to support students in improving their command of reading and of written English. Students can expect individual attention as instructors supervise, advice, evaluate and give feedback on their work.
Sessions are open to all English Prep School students without charge. Activities will be held during the academic year, on Wednesdays at 15.30 that will be announced beforehand in the classroom A310 within The School of Foreign Languages building. Information will also be posted on our notice boards and TV monitor.