Academic Activities
Seminar on European Language Portfolio by Prof. Mirici
The European Language Portfolio, an accredited measuring system forming the basis of foreign language teaching in the Council of Europe member states, will be put into practice in the Suleyman Demirel University School of Foreign Languages from the next semester on. Along with the practice of this system, Preparatory Education in the School of Foreign Languages will be accredited in the Council of Europe member states.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. İsmail Hakkı Mirici, representative of Ministry of National Education in The Council of Europe Language Portfolio, informed the participants on the subject in the conference named "The European Language Passport" and organized by the School of Foreign languages.
School of Foreign Languages hosted Oxford Author (An author from Oxford)
Suleyman Demirel University School of Foreign Languages organized a conference on the "Improvement of Language Skills (3F Forter, Fluency, Faster). Paul Seligson held a lecture on how to teach the main skills of language such as speaking, listening, reading and writing more effectively.
Workshop by Oxford University Department for Continuing Education in the School of Foreign Languages
In accordance with the agreement with Oxford University Department for Continuing Education, certification workshops were held in the School of Foreign Languages between 2 to 4 April 2012. The workout was conducted by Mehan Beler, a trainer in Oxford University Press. Each course, providing the participants with debating and reasoning their experiences as well as offering practical ideas, contained nine 90-minute workshops, three 30-minute reflection sessions and feedback sessions. Examinations during the workshops were sent to Oxford University for assessment. Lecturers accomplishing the workshops, aiming at compliance with modern education practices, will be awarded with internationally-valid certificates. The workshop was reported to provide great contributions to the practice of the Language Portfolio of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
SDU- Oxford Cooperation on Education Keeps On
Education seminars, organized by Süleyman Demirel University School of Foreign Languages and Oxford University Department for Continuing Education, continue. John Huckaby, an expert in school management, gave seminars to the lecturers of School of Foreign languages on the teaching of Academic English and improvement of critical thinking skills of students.
The specialized staff of Oxford University Department for Continuing Education, who organize professional development courses in the fields of EFL (English as a Foreign Language) ve ESL (English as a Second Language), will organize courses for SDÜ lecturers every year. These courses will be practiced in the form of interactive workshops. The successful participants will be awarded with an internationally-valid certificate at the end of the course providing the participants with debating and reasoning their own experiences.
The Second Leg of the EU Project "Intercultural Competence and Interaction" has begun at SDÜ
The second leg of European Union Project "Intercultural Competence and Interaction", coordinated by Süleyman Demirel University, University of Latvia in Latvia and Vytautas Magnus University in Lithuania, has begun in SDÜ School of Foreign Languages. Director of School of Foreign languages, Assist. Prof. Dr. Ömer Şekerci, made the opening speech and informed the audience on the project, pointing out that it aims at revealing how similarities and differences in cross-cultural interaction appear in socio-economic, religious and cultural areas and at creating a common language that embraces all people.
Süleyman Demirel University Rector Prof. Dr. Hasan İbicioğlu stated that cultural prejudices should be removed and the number of the exchange students should be increased for contributing to the world peace by pointing out that this project is an important step taken in intercultural peace. Today's problems are not local, but rather universal. They affect the whole world. Thus, the solutions offered are useful for the whole world. "Within the scope of this project, I strongly believe that we, together with our Lithuanian and Latvian partners, will be succesful with our scientific knowledge, well-disciplined working attribute and projects", said Rector İbicioğlu.